Avatar World Playbooks


This is another one of those soundtracks I've been holding in reserve for an Avatar World post, and I think it fits here. Jade Empire is a Jack Wall soundtrack, and as usual he is a gold standard of soundtrack writing.  I've never played Jade Empire, but I'd like to. Pretty much the whole soundtrack is evocative of the feeling of Avatar World, and I highly recommend checking it out.

I've been a bit hesitant to include this page quite yet because I'm really not happy with some of the moves, but I've found that the convenience of everything being all gathered together is too helpful to me to not make it.

Let's see the Playbooks then! Get right to it.

The Airbender (Moves - this playbook is mostly obsolete right now)
The Aristocrat (Untouched)
The Earthbender (Moves)
The Firebender (Moves)
The Monk (Untouched)
The Ninja (Moves)
The Samurai (Moves)
The Scholar (Complete)
The Waterbender (Moves)
(this list will be linked soon)

The Airbender

Flavor Text:
Stat (Pick One Array):
Look (Pick One From Each Set):
Once you've trained with a master airbender, whenever you Move With Intention, you also get 1 Momentum on a hit.

(X) Airbending: When you begin moving and manipulating the air in battle, roll+Natural. On a 10+, you gain 2 Momentum. On a 7-9, you gain 1 Momentum. Spend Momentum 1-for-1 to:
     * Reposition the battlefield,
     * Reduce harm you take by 1,
     * Gain +1 Forward to a roll involving great speed or acrobatics.
If you stop moving you lose all Momentum.
Acceleration: Whenever you have Momentum, you have +1 to further Airbending rolls.
Soundbending: You can manipulate sound as if it were air. When you do, roll+Keen. On a 10+, you can convincingly replicate any sound. On a 7-9, the sound is fairly convincing, and you are exposed to danger.
That's still a bit in flux. It's okay right now though.
Attuned: You have +1 Natural (max +3).
Nomad: When you Meditate about some facet of the world (natural or Spirit), on a hit you may also ask the MC one question about the world that they must answer.
Redirection: When you would take Harm, ask how much Harm would be dealt. If you have at least that much Momentum, spend all of your Momentum to change the attack's target.

The Aristocrat

Flavor Text:
Stat (Pick One Array): 
* Natural +2, Hot +0, Solid +1, Keen +1, Fluid -1.
* Natural +2, Hot +1, Solid -1, Keen +1, Fluid +0.
* Natural +1, Hot +0, Solid +0, Keen +1, Fluid +1.
* Natural +1, Hot -1, Solid +0, Keen +2, Fluid +1.
* Natural +1, Hot +0, Solid +1, Keen +2, Fluid -1.
Look (Pick One From Each Set):
Choose one from each list:
    * Courtly clothes, Fancy but practical, humble garb
    * With regalia and emblems, with accessories and jewelery, with intricate designs and colors, without adornment.
    * Ruler, heir, minor nobility, just regular folk
* One of the characters is from your area of influence and you've sworn to take care of them. Who?
* What other ruler have you in turn sworn obedience to? Do you still like that ruler?

Silver Tongue: Whenever you roll a 10+ to Speak Honestly, the target must also offer something extra they think you want as well.
Henchmen: You have a small force of loyal henchmen. They can be sent out with commands or aid your efforts as you wish. When you Commit Open Violence with their support, after the roll you may impose an appropriate Tag on the target.
 Succubus: When you use the promise of sexual favors (implicit or explicit) as a bargaining chip when you Speak Honorably, add 1 to the roll.
Currency of Favors: Whenever you Help someone, you can ask a favor of them first. (the favor can be specific or in abstract). If you do, lower your honor with them by 1. If you don't, raise it by 1 instead.
Intrigue: When you Speak Dishonorably but disguise it in polite conversation, roll +Natural instead of +Hot.
Mastermind: When you scheme and plan a future plot, roll+Keen. On a 10+, it'll work just fine if everyone sticks to the plan. On a 7-9, you'll need to prepare some things before the plan is ready to enact. The MC will choose at least one, more if he chooses:
    * The plan will hinge on another PC's success.
    * The opportune moment isn't for days/weeks/months.
    * You'll need to get some outside help, maybe someone in particular.
    * Someone will need special training to pull it off.

The Earthbender

Flavor Text:
Stat (Pick One Array):
Look (Pick One From Each Set):

(X) Earthbending: When you manipulate rock or stone with your mind, roll+Solid. On a 10+, you succeed. On a 7-9, pick one:
     * You succeed but are left vulnerable.
     * The technique is weaker or diminished in some way.
     * Your manipulation caused unforeseen consequences in the environment.
The broadness of the trigger doesn't appeal to me, but Earthbending is surprisingly versatile in use.
Defender: You can shield yourself against attacks. If you have warning that an attack is coming and are capable of Earthbending, you count as having 2-armor.
Vibration Sense: You can see and feel anything in contact with the ground (within reasonable distance). When you Observe Carefully, you can choose to ask any of these questions as well:
     * Are they telling the truth?
     * What is unseen but in contact with the ground?
     * What does their body language betray about their plans?
Counteroffense: When you attempt to avoid or weather a melee attack, roll+Solid. On a 10+, you do not take harm and deal 1 harm in return. On a 7-9 you suffer the attack, but still deal 1 harm in return.
Rooted: When you are in solid contact with earth, you have +1 Solid (max +3).
Metalbending: You can control metal that you are in contact with. When you do, it's the same as Earthbending, but you roll with Keen instead.
Metalbending, along with Lightningbending, exist as both core playbook moves and as sub-playbooks. Almost all other advanced bendings are represented solely as sub-playbooks.

The Firebender

Flavor Text:
Stat (Pick One Array):
Look (Pick One From Each Set):

(X) Firebending: When you create or manipulate open flame, roll+Hot. On a 10+, it does what you want. On a 7-9, you lose control of it in some manner; choose 1:
     * The flames are larger and more taxing than intended. They deal +1 harm, but you    take -1 ongoing until you have a chance to recuperate.
     * The flames explode into being, dealing 1 harm to all nearby, including the Firebender.
     * The effort leaves you momentarily expended. Take -1 forward and the tag winded.
     * You set fire to the area. Add a relevant environment tag (eg burning, slagged, etc).
Conductive: You can create or remove raw heat energy in addition to open flame when you have sustained physical contact with the target.
Lightningbender: When you channel lightning, roll+Fluid. On a 10+, you succeed at projecting or redirecting the lightning strike.
NOTE: Lightning, when it strikes directly, deals 4 harm.
On a 7-9, choose 1:
     * Some power rebounds, reducing the power to 2 harm and dealing 1 harm to the bender. [!]
     * The bender and all who see the attempt gain the tag dazed
     * The blast fizzles out, leaving the bender surprised and open to attack.
Hot-Headed: When you are treated disrespectfully and respond by Speaking Dishonorably, take +1 on that roll. If you respond by Committing Open Violence, mark XP instead.
Sunsoul: When the sun is in the sky, you have +1 Hot (max+3).
Stance Focus: Decide and inform the MC of what emotion fuels you Firebending if you haven't already done so. If the emotion is destructive or negative (such as anger, fear, or arrogance/pride), you may Stand Fast with Hot instead of Solid. If the emotion is a positive or constructive one (such as harmony, discipline, or hope), you may Move With Intention with Hot instead of Fluid.

The Monk

Flavor Text:
Stat (Pick One Array): There will be a balance of stat arrays with +2Nat/+1Sol and +1Nat/+2Sol.
Look (Pick One From Each Set):
Your monestary prized one or more of the following vows:
* I will not intentionally harm another,
* I will not tell falsehoods,
* I will not afford myself any luxury.

Clarity of Senses: It's hard to take advantage of your watchful eyes. As long as you have at least 1 Chi, activating tags against you costs an additional Chi (even for the MC).
Guru: You teach others the path to self-improvement. When highlighting stats, choose another player and highlight a third stat. All of that player's rolls to Help/Hinder you are considered to be 10+ for this session.
Rivers of Energy: You may pay 1 Chi to redistribute the Chi of all characters you're touching however you like.
Liable to some mechanical change since it is very strong right now.
Calm Stability: Until you personally show aggression toward a foe (or their allies), whenever you are still and unflinching in the face of imminent harm, roll+Solid. On a 10+, the danger washes over you harmlessly. On a 7-9, you still come through unscathed except (choose one):
     * the experience is painful (take 1 Harm) but you are unphazed.
     * your resolve is broken, take the Tag Shaken.
     * you can no longer stand by and immediately act against the target that attacked you.
Highly experimental.
Stillness: When you are subtle with your motions or settle into a defensive stance, you Move With Intention using Natural instead of Fluid.
Spiritual: With effort, you can contact entities of the Spirit World. When you meditate to call upon a spirit, roll+Chi spent. On a 10+, that spirit appears to you. On a 7-9, choose two:
     * The correct spirit appears,
     * The spirit is benevolent,
     * The spirit doesn't want something in return.

The Scholar

Flavor Text:
Stat (Pick One Array): 
* +1 Natural, -1 Hot, +0 Solid, +2 Keen, +1 Fluid
* -1 Natural, +0 Hot, +1 Solid, +2 Keen, +1 Fluid

* +1 Natural, -1 Hot, +0 Solid, +2 Keen, +1 Fluid
* +0 Natural, +0 Hot, +1 Solid, +2 Keen, +0 Fluid
Look (Pick One From Each Set):
* Loose billowing robes, nice high-quality robes, practical clothes with many pockets, regular clothes with a large bag.
* Pallid sunken skin, tanned rough skin, scratched and callused skin, flawless well-maintained skin.
Armor Type: No Armor
A basic weapon (pick one):
     * A long walking stick (1-harm, reach)
     * A small, easily concealed knife (2-harm)
     * A thick book for bludgeoning (1-harm, inconspicuous)
A bag of handy supplies and texts
     * Name two simple mundane objects we know are inside
* Another character once saved your life. Who was it, and what did you promise them in return? Tell them to put +2 Honor with you.
* What did you promise yourself you would discover?
Tell everyone else to put +0 Honor with you.
Gain a point of Chi when you act (pick 2):
* Quiet and Reserved
* Excited and Reckless when in the presence of your research interests
* Spacey and Prone to not noticing people
* Detail-oriented and Haughty
* _________ (write your own)
When you learn from a master inventor, choose a small object. You never need to spend Materials to produce this tool.
Once you've learned from a master sage, when you Observe Carefully you may also ask the following question:
     * What do I already know about this from my research?
When you have 5 XP, you can gain no more. Reduce your XP from 5 to 0 at any point to take an advancement:
__ You have +1 Natural (max +3)
__ You have +1 Hot (max +3)
__ You have +1 Solid (max +3)
__ You have +1 Fluid (max +3)
__ gain a new "Chi Key" from the list, or write your own.
__ gain a new Scholar move
__ gain a new Scholar move
__ gain a new Scholar move
__ gain a move from another playbook
__ gain a move from another playbook
///////////////////////// (these improvements can only be taken once you've taken 5 of the above improvements)
__ You have +1 to any stat (max +3)
__ Retire your character to safety
__ create a second character to play side-by-side with this one
__ change your character to a new type
__ You have +1 Material
Moves (you get Always Prepared, plus one more):
(X)Always Prepared: When you begin the session, roll 1d6+Keen. The result is the number of Materials you have for that session. Spend Materials 1-for-1 to produce a small, simple tool of your choice. You may spend a second Material to produce a small complex tool instead. Lastly, you may at any point spend 1 Material to ask a single question as if you'd succeeded on an Observe Carefully roll.
Ingenious: You have +1 Keen (max +3).
Construct: When you take your time to build a complicated contraption, roll+Materials spent. On a 10+, you build it all up! On a 7-9, the MC will choose a condition or two that must be fulfilled before completion:
        * Parts broke and you had to use your spares; the project takes an extra Material.
        * It'll take significantly longer to build.
        * The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited.
        * Finishing it attracts trouble.
        * You can't do it alone.
Trained Observer: When you Observe Carefully, you may ask an additional question, regardless of result (even on a failure).
Think It Through: When you use rational thought to Meditate on a subject, you roll+Keen instead of +Natural. If you spend 1 Material to consult your books in the process, you can Meditate quickly as well.
Fight With Your Head: When you Observe a foe Carefully in combat, in addition to the usual effects impose the special tag Analyzed to the foe. When you Commit Open Violence against an Analyzed foe, roll+Keen rather than +Hot. When you Help or Hinder an ally against an Analyzed foe, you may choose to roll+Keen rather than +Honor.

The Warrior

Flavor Text:
Stat (Pick One Array):
Look (Pick One From Each Set):

Stealth: When you conceal yourself from view, roll+Fluid. On a hit, enemies can't see you and take the tag Ninja's Prey. On a 7-9, also select one of these:
     * You can't stay undetected here for long.
     * Someone is on alert now.
     * You can't keep track of everyone from your hiding place.
Environment Master: When you trigger an Environment Tag, you can choose to reroll only one of the dice - which one is your choice.
There exists another variation of this move, but I'm going with this one for now.
Wire-Fu: When you perform an implausbil feat of athletics or physics-defying acrobatic stunt, roll Move With Intention. Even on a failure, you still choose one of the options.
Unconventional Weaponry: When you make a weapon out of something that was not meant as such, you can choose to use it as a 2-harm weapon instead of whatever harm value it already has.
Dim Mak: When you assault your foe's pressure points, roll+Hot. On a hit, they take the Tag Addled. Whenever an Addled foe attempts an action, you may spend a point of Chi to negate that action. Additionally, on a 10+, you don't need to spend Chi the first time you negate their action.
Samurai: You are trained in open combat, and may wear up to 2-armor (with the associated penalty). Being a Samurai comes with extra baggage: to whom have you sworn loyalty? Do you still feel loyal to them? Make an oath with yourself reflecting your commitment to them.

The Waterbender

Flavor Text:
Stat (Pick One Array):
* Natural +0, Hot +1, Solid -1, Keen +1, Fluid +2
* Natural +1, Hot -1, Solid +0, Keen +1, Fluid +2
* Natural +0, Hot +1, Solid +1, Keen -1, Fluid +2
* Natural +1, Hot +0, Solid +1, Keen -1, Fluid +2
Look (Pick One From Each Set):
* Thick winter clothes, light and non-restricting clothes, loincloth and leaves, city clothes with furs.
* Empty eyes, soft eyes, stern eyes, vibrant eyes, stormy eyes.
Armor Type: No armor
You start with:
* A waterskin of some variety where you carry your Water.
* A small weapon, such as a small knife, club, or staff.
You swore to a family member that you'd accomplish what?
Look to the player at your left. What did you promise to do for them?
Gain a point of Chi when you act (pick 2):
* Calm and Kind
* Vindictive and Tempestuous
* Mothering and Parental
* Enthusiastic and Impatient
* _________ 
Once you've trained with a Waterbending master, you are more efficient about your water use and may carry an additional Water.
__ +1 Fluid (max +3)
__ +1 Natural (max +3)
__ +1 Hot (max +3)
__ +1 Solid (max +3)
__ Take another playbook move.
__ Take another playbook move.
__ Take another playbook move.
__ Take a move from another playbook.
__ Take a move from another playbook.
__ Take another Chi key from the list, or write your own.

(X) Water: You have a small supply of Water you bring with you. These tokens are used to fuel your Waterbending abilities. You can carry up to 3 Water by default. Replenish your Water whenever you come across a sufficiently-sized body of water.
(X) Waterbending: When you psychically manipulate water in combat, spend 1 Water and roll+Fluid. On a hit, choose from the list. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 1. You may pick a single option multiple times.
     * Deal 1 harm.
     * Impose a tag on a foe.
     * Impose an environmental tag.
     * Get the spent Water back.
If you take the harm option multiple times, it is considered one large attack for purposes of ignoring armor (even if it narratively considered multiple strikes).
Healer: When you take time to cover a wound with water and lay hands upon it, roll+Natural. On a 10+, the wound is visibly cured and 3 harm is healed. On a 7-9, 1 harm is healed but the wound is visibly unchanged.
Icebending: You can control ice as if it were liquid water, and can shift water to ice (and vice-versa). When you bend ice in combat, roll Waterbending with Keen instead, and add the following option:
     * Deal 1 harm an impose the tag Frozen to the target.
Moon-Chosen: When the moon has risen, you have +1 Fluid (max+3).
Streaming: When you deal harm with Waterbending, you may spend a number of Water up to your Fluid score. For each Water, deal an additional harm.
Stances: When you set up a waterbending stance, spend 1 Water and roll Move With Intention. On a 10+, you may choose to forgo your usual choices to make your next Waterbending roll an automatic 10. Similarly, on a 7-9, you may forgo your usual choice to use the number you roll when you next Waterbed or a 7, whichever is greater.

Loose moves that have been pruned out of playbooks but I don't just want to delete off the page:
Phase Mastery: Select one of the following:
* Icebending: When you Waterbend, you may also bend ice in addition to liquid water. Harm dealt with ice also inflicts the freezing tag, or a similarly appropriate one. If the target already has the freezing tag, deal an additional Harm. Additionally, you may convert water to ice, and vice-versa.
* Vaporbending: You can draw water out of seemingly thin air. Steam, heated vapor, when used to attack is always (AP). Remember that you cannot heat vapor to steam with this move.
Bloodbending: When you take control of an NPC's body, roll+Hot. On a 10+, you succeed. On a 7-9, pick one of the following complications:
     * You can't do anything but hold them still.
     * You can't defend yourself while you control them.
     * You can only have them perform a single action before they break free of your control.
Peerless Swordmaster (2): When you successfully attack someone, you may choose to inflict a condition instead of deal harm.
Stances (2): When you set up a waterbending stance, spend 1 Water. Until you leave the stance, you take +1 to Waterbending rolls, but have a Tag appropriate to the stance.
Calm Reservation: When you stay calm and well-behaved when your honor is challenged, or when you take the high road when violence would be preferable, mark XP.
Duel: When you challenge a foe to single combat and they accept, swear an oath to kill them and impose the tag challenged upon the target. This tag may be invoked at any point during the duel, as many times as desired, provided you still have Chi to spend.
Untouchable: Whenever you are directly attacked, you may Stand Fast to try and avoid the damage. This doesn't apply to attacks with the (ap) distinction.
Oaths of Power: Double the effect of oaths with other players and NPCs - double the change in Honor, double Chi gain, etc.
Peerless Swordmaster: When you successfully attack someone, you may always choose to inflict an additional harm.
[Oath] You've sworn fealty to someone before. Who? Are you still under that oath?
Ambush:When you attack a foe with a Tag indicating that they are unaware of your presence (such as Ninja's Prey, Unaware, or Blinded), you may spend 1 Chi. If you do, just deal your harm - no need to roll. However, they're now aware of your position and don't have that Tag anymore.
(note: that one's obscenely strong)
That's it! Nine playbooks. I'll also have a sub-playbook page eventually, but I don't have enough of that stuff to compile one yet. Pasting this together, I'm seeing a lot of things that need revision, especially in the early Bender playbooks. Anyway, seeya!
End Recording,

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