Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Songs: Wolfgun - Lights

The past week has been a ridiculous panicking and struggling week full of microbiology, and more microbiology, and more microbiology. Labs, prepping the lab notebook (taping in over 100 pictures into a composition notebook and hand-writing tons of stuff, ugh, I don't want to see tape for like another week), writing a paper dissection, and the exam. It all passed, then I was in Portland without significant internet on Friday and Saturday. Now I'm back, it's spring break, and Emerald City Comic Con is this weekend and I'm so excited.

This entire album, also called Lights, is literally the only thing that got me through this week. It's just magical. I have no idea how to describe Wolfgun on the whole, but I like the beats, I like the vocals, I like the spacey style, and the uplifting spirit that flows through Lights made this week so much easier.
And there's a whole ton of Wolfgun songs/albums, and they're all pay-what-you-want (no minimum)! A cool thing Wolfgun does sometimes is remake old songs of theirs in a new style that fits inside of a new album. Normally that'd give me pause, but I seem to really like it with Wolfgun.

Thanks Wolfgun.

Anyway, I intend to post more this week since I'm off. We'll see how that goes, but hey, maybe I'll actually keep my word this time. And I'll be setting up Sunday Songs in advance for next week cuz I'll be at ECCC.

End Recording,

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